Tuesday, October 10, 2006



NOW, is that better? I doubt Bren would read it anyway, but maybe some others might :P So, Davi, since i broke it down for you... :P Ahh, well, never mind lah. I was frustrated, it tickled my fancy to write a long Form 6 General Paper type of essay (except I'd fail Form 6 if I wrote that in exams :P) and I just had to put all that down :P That's for my reading pleasure in case I feel stupid one of these days. Kekeke...


Bren said...

hahahaha..i dun think she meant to break it up dat way.i think she meant to provide summary wif bullet points.hehe.

nemesis-on-fire said...

that one ah... WAY TOO LAZY to repeat myself :P

nemesis-on-fire said...

well... maybe...
1. msian politics sucks.
2. both past n present premiers have their faults and haven't done much in lieu of malaysian economy since 98 :P
3. they spend too much time dodging each other n pussy-footing the real issues that precious income via GDPs are not coming in :P

how's that for summary? something like that lah

nemesis-on-fire said...

in view! not in lieu... what's wrong with me? :P

Bren said...

i think u shud forget d politics n get a camera so u can take mo pictures n post superficial blogs. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah dida! i wanted bullet points! u shud try writing for TIME Asia or smth under a pseudonym :) Honest, I think it'll be brilliant. Pseudonym because the msian govt will hunt u down if they found out who u were!!

Bren said...

yar.today i was reading newsweek in d mrt n dey devoted TEN friggin' pages to the Mark Foley sex scandal! Wah lau eh...ten pages on some war/famine/haze i understand lar..but how is a washington sex scandal worth TEN pages?! waste my money nia.

but if ur blog post is in newsweek/time, i'll read lar even if it's 10pages.so i can tel my frens, "eh,u know my fren dida?she wrote this article."

nemesis-on-fire said...

yerdeh: that one u have to wait for next week or something :P me? write for newsweek? errr... :P

bren: i can understand. cos mark foley is a pederast. and yet he's representing a state. it's not just unethical. it's immoral. i dont care if it's sex between consenting adults. threesomes, orgies, BDSM. whatever kinky deviation. blabla. but i can't condone sex with a minor. even if it's oral sex or sex in the missionary position. it's just wrong.

but thank u for thinking i can write for TIME/ NEWSWEEK. wahh... ;)

Anonymous said...

yeah,he's bad bad boy n all dat...but TEN pages wor..compared to FOUR pages to d nuclear threat from North Korea. Skewed o not, i ask u?? mark foley is an icky person, but he not going to wipe out a few countries off d face of the earth, right? anyways, dun care.stupid americans.dis is wat happens when too cheap to subscribe to vanity fair or economist.-bren