Saturday, February 17, 2007

STUPIDITY... stupidity

STUPIDITY... stupidity

Now some dumbass worthless brainless Datuk wants Malaysian women to start wearing chastity belts in an effort to curb rape. STUPID. STUPID. S.T.U.P.I.D. How the hell did this neuron-less people become Datuks in the first place???? They get awards for stupidity now?

It's not my problem that men get boners when they see me. And sometimes, it's not even the clothes you wear, or how old you are.

I wanna hang said idiot upside down by his testicles, I'm telling you.

Not that I'm surprised the mentality has regressed to this extent, I'm just fucking pissed off that such fuckers exist in this fucking country. What the fuck. Fuckers should go form their own country and leave the rest of the world in peace. Fuck... such fuckers should die a miserable death being fucked from the backdoor. Serves them fuckers right. Then they'd know how it feels like to be fucked without their consent. SHHEEEEESSSSSSHHHHHHH..... Stupid assholes.

Forgive the bad language. Very the pissed off.


Anonymous said...

that's worse than caveman mentality.
the statement shocked many as this shows that these ppl are going backward instead of forward.

Anonymous said...

where's the article on this datuk? lemme email it to the UK Metro (who likes quirky stories). if they like it, they will publish it.

people like that should be publicly humiliated for saying such stupid things!!

Curio said...

our stupid politicans have very low respect for women..remember samy velu comparing women to toilets?! there have been many such examples, and more to come I'm sure. and our testicles less media is too scared to give this the attn n ridicule it deserves.