Sunday, March 30, 2008


Milk: you can do so much with it. As a drink for the most basic nutrients. Cultured milk. In another drink, eg. tea or coffee. Yoghurt. Cheese. In cooking. Ice-cream that makes people happy. And etcetera, etcetera. All the potential.

Yet once it's tainted there's not much use for it except down the drain. Once it's spilt, there's nothing else to do with it. Wasted potential.

Spilt milk. What's there to do with spilt milk?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get a pet cat to lick it up? I can bet u the poor people in zimbabwe who can barely afford food let alone basic amenities would definitely not let it go to waste.

i can't believe the zimbabwe issue has been allowed to go on for so long.