Thursday, May 10, 2007


continued from the morning:

Time: approx. 1400 hours.

On a busy one way street in Brickfields area.

INDIAN lady.

CLEVER woman decided to drive AGAINST TRAFFIC, AT PEAK HOURS, on a ONE-WAY STREET while it was DAMN BUSY.

Reason given? My house is just there.


I dont fucking care if your sugar daddy is Semi-Value. It's not your fucking street. We taxpayers pay road tax too, y'know. It's a one-way street. It's peak hours. There is no justification for you to disregard everyone else for your selfish concerns. If it's 11pm or something, and there are no cars around, maybe lah. But C'MON! It's a working day, n it's a busy street. And it's peak hours to boot!!




Psychosis Personified said...

I got the PKM KNN CCB and PBK. But LLB?? That one I lost.....

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahahahahhaha!!!! that is fucking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!

nemesis-on-fire said...

psycho: Lu Lao Bu :P

I spell it here: Pu Ki Mak Kan Ni Neh Lu Lao Bu Chao Ci Bai Pu Bo Kia.

since u n i not shy shy wannn... everyday gotta see ur Finger ;) WAHAHAHA...

yerdeh: I WAS SO PISSED MAN!! SHE BLOCKED THE WHOLE DAMN ROAD!!! JUST because of her ONE car. WALAOEH!! Seriously!!!

oh!! btw, u can rant on my blog anytime ;) as for ur silly friend, i think said person is just too self-absorbed. gotta learn to view the world a bit. No man is an island. Every man's death diminishes me, y'know? Get ur friend to read John Donne :P but maybe ur friend wouldn't get it. hehe! honestly, i think hilary clinton would do a better job than mr bush. :P

nemesis-on-fire said...

yerdeh: ok, now that i read it again, i guess it IS funny. :P i was ranting, didn't even read it again before i pressed publish :P

i'm funny when i rant?? NO WONDER ppl dun take me seriously when i'm ranting and angry, men especially. they just stand there and give me a stupid grin, n i wanna smack them all over again. sigh!