Saturday, March 31, 2007

Growing Up and KB

Growing Up, Things and KB

Monday, 26.03.2007. 2138 hours.

The only thing, I find, that's good about growing up and growing old is, if one can afford it, sophistication.

And the graciousness it affords you. Which is why I find it double the tragedy, if an older person has not the graciousness, to forgive the follies of youth.

That is the luxury of maturity.

I visited KB on Friday. It's a sleepy, quaint town. The people are extremely laid-back, they seem to take everything easy.

It was a Friday, though, and being the Bandar Raya Islam that it is, everything was shut down. Nothing appears to be open. There goes my chance for 'nasi dagang' or 'nasi daghe' as the locals call it, or 'nasi kerabu'. *sniffs*

Oh well, I managed to buy some kain batik and made me a nyonya kebaya... with a kebaya top made of authentic kain kasa rubia. Not sure if I was being slaughtered for the RM100 it cost me for a set, but I liked it.

White top with colourful embroidery, black and white batik sarong of polyester. And another green cotton batik sarong for RM7 :) Tailoring would not cost me more than RM50. Which is half the KL price for nyonya kebaya tailoring. CHUH!

Tracy and my Turtle friend has been harping for me to get a camphone. The former, cos, well, she's a techie geek, and she just wants to go camphone shopping with me (some things NEVER change) so she can go all starry-eyed and drooly. Whilst the latter wants me to get that so I could take pics of my HAWT chick friends for him to check out in the privacy of his shell. Cheh! :P

But anyway, I figured it might be high time I upgraded myself and be a little more tech-savvy and get me a camphone. We'll see. I can see some of my blogger friends cheering now cos it'll also mean pics/ photo-blogging. WAHAHA!! Unfortunately, dears, for me, blogging is more of an online journal than a photo album, so nemesis-on-fire's format will not really change with that decision.

I give myself 3 months to get that phone. I just MIGHT opt for a digicam or scuba-diving lessons instead :P Or a guitar, and guitaar lessons with that cute boy I saw in Midvalley ;) He's got that tortured artist look I kinda fancy right now... Hmmmm :P

Btw, I'm liking my job. Long, inconsistent hours sometimes, but interesting. How odd, since it has nothing to do with my chosen field of study. Does this mean my palmist friend is right, and in my early 30s I'll be carrying several jobs at once?

I don't know... She also said I'd marry at 29.....


Anonymous said...

dude, camphones are ESSENTIAL! listen to ur friend tracy over there.

How the F**k u survived all this while without a cam-phone is beyond me. first thing i ask is 'how many megapixels is it?' just because u never know which movie star lurks around the corner or when u see smth cool and uve forgotten to bring ur 5 megapix camera!!

nemesis-on-fire said...

HAHA!! u're another one. if bren reads this, she'd say that too.

:D i am frightened to get camphones, cos, knowing me, i'd drop them here, there and everywhere!

i think i'd let tracy do the choosing :P give her my budget, n she can happily go ogle camphones.

watch her become a little boy... I MEAN, GIRL! GIRL! :D ehehehe....

bitch, don't bite me, k? thank god i haven't got balls for u to threaten to maim