Wednesday, March 14, 2007



Life. It's all about choices.

How do I know I'm making the right ones?

Is this the right job for me? Is he worth spending my time with? Should I continue what I've started, or should I just stop?

They say everything happens for a reason.
Does it? What's the point? What purpose could it possibly serve?

I think I'm burning out.

Perhaps I should stop fighting and start drifting. Would I have it easier if I did? Easy sounds so tempting right now.


Anonymous said...

I know this sounds like a defeatist attitude, but maybe you should go with the flow? Your current job may not be what you want, but it could be a step to what you really want. Hey, no one got their dream job on their first try :) the first one is usually the crappiest!!

hang in there!

nemesis-on-fire said...

i switched jobs. Now i'm in a totally different field. i dunno, yerdeh, but i do like what i'm doing now. i just wish i could stay in health.