Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Anywhere but here...

Saturday, 16.06.2007. 2332 hours.

I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to do.

There's no more biting sarcasm,
no acrid cynicism,
no sharp witticism,
no painful bitterness.

We've reached our pinnacle, I suppose.

It's now or never.

We either make it or break it.

He can't let go. I'm not sure I know why. Perhaps, I'm not quite sure I want to know right now.

All I know is that what's been said and done cuts deep... very deep.

And it's very painful, and very difficult for me to stay.

Perhaps, with time, with effort, with patience, the wounds will heal.

I'm not sure how, I'm not sure when, but I can only pray that it be soon.

But for now...
We'll take each day as it comes.

Because right now...
I'm all out of words...
There's nothing left to say.

Except, perhaps...

I wanna be anywhere...
anywhere at all...
anywhere but here...


aichiban said...

You mentioned guys will go for two type of girls. No reason for letting go of either unless the girl herself make a clear cut no.

Preservation or self control is needed from at least one side.

Psychosis Personified said...

again, CUT IT OFF.

he's afraid cause then he's got nowhere to run to anymore. a child still, clinging to your coatails. but as soon as he finds his feet, u think he'll stick around? as if. it a bit too late to grow up. by now if they arent making real efforts to, they never will.

courage to grow up does not come easy. and you're the surrogate nother.

for your own sanity woman......

nemesis-on-fire said...

don't worry.

i finally put him down on paper analysis.

don't like what i see at all.

pissed me off big time.

he wanta play me for the fool.

he be asking me to eat his balls for supper.

remember what i said about ice cold fury?

remember CKF? and the Doc? and Mr Holy-Moly Churchie-Wurchie?

i'm feeling that now.

shit... it feels good to be mad. at least i'm not sad.