Friday, April 07, 2006

Of food, memories, books and considerations

It's 0326 hours on a Wednesday morning and I'm not sleeping because I'm letting my stomach digest. I know I should feel like a pig, but I'm not gonna apologise for eating. :p I never do. In fact, I'm delighted that I can still eat like I used to. I thought I had lost that type of appetite. I can justify, after all. It's been my first real, nice, proper sit-down meal for a long time. I've been feeling a l'il out of it lately. Now I'm out of a self-imposed temporary exile, I should celebrate. So I did. Been craving for chocolate for sometime now. So I went out with a couple of friends to Secret Recipe's and let myself be an abominable P-I-G. Beef lasagna, chocolate brownies with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and blueberry cheesecake. All in one sitting ;) MMMIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......... =) I'm like a cat with cream. This group of friends know I'm a pig, but they've never seen me been SUCH a pig. Heheheh... They had no idea about the double Whopper Burger set story or the two plates of nasi goreng kampong. :D Now I can't sleep. I've over-eaten, and I rarely sleep on a heavy stomach. It makes me feel bloated the next morning... same reason I rarely take supper.

I had wanted to pack up for a trip to Penang, but I've decided against it. Having the damned red tide. Explains the gluttony :p Sigh... I hate this. Feels like a leaking/leaky faucet. Cranky, painfully rusty and disjointed, and bleeding like a friggin' wounded animal. Men shouldn't complain, really. In fact, they should thank God they don't have to plan their sex lives and their vacations around their uncooperative reproductive systems. *wail* I really wanted to go to Penang. Yeps, the food, of course! And the road trip should be fun.... ;) But I can't now :( how can I when I am having cramps so bad, I can hardly crawl out of bed? So I decided to go through my books and take out something to read, instead. I love books. And I buy and keep the ones I want to read and re-read. Here's the thing about good books. With each subsequent read, you discover something different, over and over again. A different approach, a different insight, a different perspective, an unexpected twist, a sudden humour. You thought you knew what you were reading the first time, but then you realise you don't. Not really. Not everything. Not all aspects of it. You read it again, and discover something new. Something you didn't realise or notice the first time round. Something of relevance to you now. Something you can relate to. Something you can identify with. And perhaps, something that you need just right now. You read, and go "AHA!! Exactly!!" What am I reading? A cute, silly little book I bought on a whim 2 years ago, when I was in between jobs... and getting very confused about someone I've known for awhile, and care deeply for. Still confused about, still care for, but that's another story. And too personal to blog about :) sorry... It's funny, though, the thing about books. Perhaps that's why, despite advances in technology, people still write. And people still read. A lot can be said about a person's writing. And a lot can be read into it, too. What he's trying to say. What he's trying to hide. What's important. And what he doesn't want you to know is important. As for the book? Written very lightly, it tries to explore the frailty, fears and insecurities of human relationship. And its very true.

Maybe I've been running away from what matters to me most. Because I fear. And the fear of the unknown is the scariest of all. These past weeks, I've been unable to sleep. I worry. About many things. I look out at the view of the city I live in, in the still, witching hours of the morning, and feel inexplicably detached. Disaffected, and at the same time, terribly lonely. Which is partially why I write. Because it is difficult to tell in person, sometimes. Because, although many people would disbelieve me, I am actually painfully shy. I express myself better when I write. Because I can go through what I want to say in my mind. I have friends, some close, some not quite so. But we live separate lives. And there are some things I could never tell. Some personal demons few people would ever know. Which I am also afraid to admit to myself. I feel different from the world I live in. Different, detached, increasingly disaffected and disinterested. It frightens me. What if I die cold and heartless, and intractably lonely? I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's strange, how, in a city of 1 billion, people can still feel so terribly inwardly lonely. Perhaps love is an emotion borne out of the fear, and the intrinsic desire or need to not be alone in this universe. It's strange how growing up addles my mind. I had less demons being a hormone-addled angsty adolescent. Life was simpler. Stupid simple. Black or white. We grow up and find life does not exist in stupid simple. No definitives. No black or white. It's all in B-mode. Like an ulstrasound system. Greyscale. Shades of grey. Grey-black, or grey-white. Grey in-betweens. Relativity. Einstein sure as bloody hell knew what he was talking about. It's all in relatives.

When I was younger, I couldn't give a rat's ass about being different. So what if I didn't join the Angels? I don't WANT to join the Angels. Fuckssakes, I can't throw a ball in a hoop for nuts. I fail Physical Education every time I am being tested for ball-throwing-into-hoops, and it's the only subject I'd fail. I'm short, and short-sighted. Add to that really bad astigmatism, and the fact that it's a contact sport, and my glasses cost a BOMB, so I can hardly afford to break it in some stupid game. And you want me to join the Angels, or none of you would be my friend? Yeah, well, whatever. Don't get me wrong, I'd be the only one to watch NBA games with my dad when they used to air it on TV. He'd reminisce about being the best three-pointer in college while I roll my eyes and tell him to stop pretending to talk about b-ball when he's probably thinking of ex-girlfriends, or I'd threaten to tell my mom :D I have no qualms about having a man who plays the game. I don't even mind going to watch him sweat it out. Sexy. I'd probably go cheer him on. :p He probably needs the adrenaline and testosterone rush anyway. And who's to say I wouldn't benefit from it?

But I don't see the point of joining a stupid club that might have been formed with and for good intentions, but misused because the trainers were relatively cute boys from across the street. Didn't think I'd know that? :) Just because I don't talk about it doesn't mean I have no idea what goes on around me. Giggling and simpering when some boy walks by kinda gives it away too, no? If I had wanted to meet boys, I could've just walked over and befriended all my brother's classmates. They knew me already, anyway. I avoided boys. I wanted to stay under the radar. I didn't want no trouble. Boys were trouble. They still are. Sigh. Testosterone-packed trouble. How the hell was I supposed to know they already knew me anyhow? Gave me the shock of my life when I went on to Form Six and found out. So I'm a snob. And I'm scary. Good. Better a scary snob than a slut. Threatening to ostracise me socially if I didn't join only served to piss me off. I was a floater already anyway. I didn't need to join some clique. I didn't need anyone to tell me who to befriend and who to stay away from. I certainly don't appreciate having my thought processes and ideas pre-fabricated just to join a particular hierarchy or social group. That only serves to insult my intelligence, perception and discerning abilities. I didn't need no one telling me which brand of pencils to use, which shoes were cool, and that I MUST have Converse cloth pencil cases and Jansport or Eastpak or in the very least (in the vein of) Tropicana Life backpacks to be 'in'. Fuck you, fuck all of you. You think my parents' money grows on trees? Joining a particular club wouldn't get you noticed by a boy, trust me. If he doesn't notice you, he never will. Even if you wear the most violent shade of pink from top to bottom. He'd probably think you're weird and a stalker more than anything else. Like I said to a friend before, "It's not what you wear, but how you wear it." It also doesn't help your cause that I caught you telling the rest of your buddies that now I couldn't be derided during practice because I refused to join even under duress. Well.. yeah, I hate being prodded. And I couldn't be damned to make you look good at my expense. Yeah, it's been more than 10 years, but I remember. Some things we just don't forget, you know? It helps shape our lives and our future. We're all much older and more mature now, and things have changed between us. The balance and flow of relationships change with time, after all. But if certain behavioural patterns were of such prevalence in our lives, it's near impossible to forget such folly.

I'm sick and tired of this. Even now, I still get this kind of shit. No, I don't want to be manipulated. And I'm not going to. I might allow it to happen a couple of times, but that's because I don't mind helping, and I'm relatively nice. But don't think I'm so stupid and blind that I don't see or notice what you're doing. I won't steal company information for you. It's unethical. I won't let you move in with me just because you're pissed with your in-laws. It's childish. I won't let you diss me in front of men you're trying to impress. It's ridiculous. I won't call your ex-boyfriends out for dinner at your behest, so you can find out things through me. That's ridiculously childish. No. I'll ask him out because he's a friend, and I still want to talk to him, even if you and he are no longer on speaking terms. Why not? I still value his friendship. It's not like I would sleep with him. I don't do rebounds. Rebounds hurt. Rebounds only bring regret. For both parties. If you don't learn that now, you never will. No amount of manipulation can bring you any form of wisdom whatsoever. That's something else you have to learn. No one is that dense. If you think so, you're self-absorbed, obnoxious and unbelievably egotistical. So no, and stop borrowing books you'll never read, and conveniently forget to return. My books, collectively, is my first love. And I remember each one of them, by name, by author, by storyline and by the dates I purchased them. Don't kid yourself, I'll kick a man out for insulting my books, what makes you think I won't remember you borrowed which, when and what?

I'm sick of being a door-mat. I'm sick of being nice. I'm sick of being made use of and manipulated because I am too nice to tell you to shut up, to stop and consider others' feelings and to quit thinking the entire fucking universe revolves around you. I'm tired of giving you advice, even if it makes perfect sense, because you never listen. I'm exhausted of listening to you repeat yourself over and over again, like a broken recorder, because, again, you don't really want to make a change, and I should really tape your bullshit, and play it back at you, to show you how terribly boring it all is. And how pointless. I'm sick of knowing u tell stories about me behind my back, and thinking I don't know. I'm not that stupid. I'm really weary of listening to you telling me how I don't care, because I DID, and how you're the only person in the whole universe and beyond who cares about anyone at all, because really, you don't, or you wouldn't have done all of these and I wouldn't be writing this now, would I? This is pointless, though, isn't it? Because you really don't care, and you'll never change. It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, because only your opinion matters, and only you are the epitome of perfection itself.

So be it then. Stay in your perfect world. Sad, alone, depressed, cold, heartless. Perfect. Human frailty, human failings and foibles, human fears make us colourful. And imperfect. And beautiful to me. I fear it, because that's how I am. Imperfect. Afraid. Foolish. Cowardly. But I embrace my imperfections. And I want to learn. Because I care. Because I know I need to improve myself. To be better. Because I love myself, and that's the first step to letting someone else love me. Learning is a life-long process. And it's a difficult one. I couldn't give a damn about being different when I was younger, but now.. living in this city makes me realise that there's a certain amount of fitting-in to be done. Being an individual is punished, being different is scorned at. It's sad, and such a waste, since variety is the spice of life, but that's how life is. No man is an island; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. I need to do some major re-adjusting. Paradigm shift even, maybe. I don't know how it's going to be done, and how long it's gonna take, but I'll have to find a balance somehow. My sanity is at stake, and this time I can't afford to fail.


Anonymous said...

I thought you had a social group. we were the elitist, don't give a damn anarchists... though most of us were part of the governing body then but we were still anarchists in our souls.

oh and woman, your rant is loooooooooong! paragraphing! makes it easier to read. if you extend your borders on both sides by a few points it will widen your main body of content so that will help readjust a few things and make it so it doesn't feel that claustrophobic.

p.s. you gonna be home this summer? i mean august-september? our generation should start talking politics and what we want for our future ;)

Anonymous said...

i second bernard....girl!ur fonts!!! ur rants r nice to read...but pls hv mercy on our eyes...quarter century old already...i end up only reading abt half and jus skip d rest.

nemesis-on-fire said...

lol... berds! then u help me in my html. can u do that all the way up there in ol' ol' boring england? goddamn anglophile, u :D i'll be in kl august-september. if u can convince bren there to get her sorry arse back up here, we'll talk politics till she falls asleep, or start screaming. she has a lot to say, she's just too tired and annoyed to say anything :) but just get her started..... :D

haiyah... not yet quarter century old la, woman.... still got about a month to go ;) make the most out of it :p

nemesis-on-fire said...

oh i forgot: berds, i never had a social group :p all the world are my friends. i never liked my ideas TOLD to me, u know? and women so like to tell ppl what to do and when to do it, and how.... and why... u get the picture :)

Anonymous said...

tell me about it :P


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm sorry if the Angels ever made you feel that way. To me, the Angels weren't cool, but I'll always have fond memories of the team. Angels reminds me of the time when I could play bball for 4 hours straight, be it rain or shine, or being able to shoot 3 pointers even though I was only 5 foot 2. Just being good at bball! I can't do any of that anymore (getting old), but they were good memories. And for liking the boy that was our coach? Ugh, it was one of the other girl's older brother: that would have been wrong.

I'm jst trying to think about liking boys on the other team, well perhaps a few were interested but I got bashed in the nose a couple of times by them NOT BEING ABLE TO PASS A FREAKING BALL so I tot they were hopeless (I really think boys play bball so they can wear cool Nike shoes). A few played without their shirts, but you wouldn't want to go near them because you'd slide right off them because of all that sweat (more often than not tinged with b.o. Any takers?)

I do remember Mrs Chong commenting that the LEO Club was just a way for girls to meet boys, and at that point in time I got so mad! I was like "who the hell does she think she is, that is so not true" etc etc. Here we are at 15 years of age raising RM2000+ for AIDS research and she says that? Well I think it was June who went "uh dav, she's actually right" and she pointed out all these girls at our next LEO function who were chatting up the boys.

So much for charity being the main priority, but you know what? They were girls just being girls. Not like they slept with the boys. I think.

I hope that clarifies things somewhat: that in the Angels there were a fair few of us tht did it for the love of the game, and in LEO there were a good number who were genuine (I'd hate to think there weren't any).

Sleep well...and stop thinking so much!! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha...oh man...well,u AND june wer both right, i guess...c'mon...15yr old girls...wat else wer on our minds? ;) we cudn't all b serious n talking abt socio-politico issues n philosophies regarding life lk dida. :)
yeah, girl...stop thinkg so much :) i stopd long time ago n have been much happier since then. -bren

Anonymous said...

P.S. As we grow older, aren't u starting to realize dat our teachers weren't necessarily d best role models we cud hv had sumtimes?If only Asian society din command automatic respect for our elders and immediate acceptance of all they said...

Anonymous said...

it might actually be a very good idea to introduce basic philosophy to secondary schoolers.

Anonymous said...

dat'll b ok...if only dey took out PENDIDIKAN MORAL (wat kind of stupid ass subject is dat?) first.N if only the basic philosophy class was designed so dat it cultivated original thinking instead of d usual jus-chew-and-swallow lk we had in "asal dan asas sains" in uni (which most ppl scored A for w/o really understanding it).

Anonymous said...

totally agree!!!

Anonymous said...

didnt we all agree in form 5 that even murderers could pass pendidikan moral if they could memorize the damn text?

Anonymous said...

yup and yup.the more "moral" u r, then d lower ur score.i really wonder:r d ppl who set d curriculum stupid or jus stupid?pendidikan islam,i knowledge,i get...heck,even kemahiran hidup,i get...but pendidikan moral?breaking down the complexity of "human morality, frailty,failings and foibles" (dida,2006) into 56 moral and sub-morals?pure genius..

nemesis-on-fire said...

davi: chill, it wasn't u, it was someone else... was pissed at her for err... say, a couple of months, but then it was okay. but of course i don't forget :p though, i never could hold grudges too long. or i woulda shot the ppl who made my life miserable all through school. hmm... i think there were a lot :D sighs... but i was proud of my friends who played bball and who could play it well. :D u n marg included. oohh.. marg was damn good, wasn't she? ;)

nemesis-on-fire said...

wah lao... and who says girls don't talk about social issues? i got me a debate right here!!

davi: mrs chong also said girls who use tampons are no longer virgins... and u get mad at her? c'mon... she didn't know what she was talking about!! but it IS true some girls joined angels and leo for the boys lahh... and all the other extracurricular clubs as well... YCS too, right berds? u and i know it :D btw, when u're insomniac... what else to do except to think?

all: pendidikan moral is STUPID... always thought it was, still think it is. i consider myself not a bad liar :p i got A2 for moral. HAHAHA... though i always failed in class... who's that psycho teacher who taught us moral in form 5 again?

Anonymous said...

oooooooooo don't get me started on YCS dida, I was almost made president of the bloody thing before I ran screaming out of the chapel literally.

when you're an insomniac the only productive thing you can do is think........... besides watching porn :P

I totally ripped apart the concept of pendidikan moral in my 1st year psych paper.

Anonymous said...

assuming u hv a consensual partner, u cud always have sex when u'r having's quite tiring (so i've heard),so then u'll fall asleep lk a babe right after.if not,my brain literally turned to mush from an x-files marathon from 10pm to 4am.then u sleep lk a zombie after dat.altho,not such a gud idea if u hv to b sumwer d next morning..

Anonymous said...

dida: man, I completely forgot that Mrs Chong said that about tampons! HAHA! She also used to say that Catholics were superior to other denominations: I told Esther that and got Mrs Chong in some hot water methinks :) (Esther is protestant?).

Marg was awesome: she was like a head taller than all of us and had 2 brothers who played awesome bball!! where is she now anyway?

Moral: wasn't it that teacher that was always well-groomed and manicured nails that taught us moral? crap, i've forgotten her name, but she was 'best mates' with Mr Teo....

nemesis-on-fire said...

berds: yeah i know that about YCS and u. hehehe... and errr... i don't like porn :p yeah i think when i'm insomniac... i swear it's a vicious cycle: think-insomnia, insomnia-think :D go rip some more, it's a totally useless subject. i tell u, the M'sian education system is rigged... really.

bren: *wail* i have no consensual partner!! that's the problem!! :p
ooh!! x-files :) now my latest craze is Prison Break ;) hehehe... pretty cool stuff...

davi: mrs chong was nuts laaa.... yeah esther is protestant :) good for her :) marg? she's in petronas, working in klcc now, staying in ampang area.. oh, she's doing great :) i'll say hi to her for ya :) moral: no, that was euphrasia, she taught catechism and english, the psycho one was beverly, is it? i don't quite remember :p

sharon said...

sorry can't help it. i'm involved in this somehow...

angels were sooo dorky! only marg could actually play... the rest of us just had lots of fun. why didn't you tell me that you wanted to join? i think i had some sort of veto power. :)

and where got cute guys? you mean andy and his gang? during one of the games, i had my little finger violently shoved up one of his nostrils. yikes. the mutated twin brothers? they were 1 or 2 years younger than us. there was one lesbian though, i forgot her name lar. she was after jo one time. i think she works at Parkson now... saw her several times...

ycs was inspiring in many ways, but gave me the most disappointments in my school life as well. i was president, so i can say. hmmpph. you really need to be a people's person to be in ycs... the politics, the backstabbing, the division...

i actually liked mrs chong very much because she was the nicest form teacher in form 1! but remember when we had to attend a video presentation in william tan auditorium on abortion, she actually made us sit separately (girls and boys) and made sure the ailse was not less that 1m wide? then she told us that she and her husband dated for 12 years before marrying, and that we should emulate her? and the tampoon issue... and oh, one thing differ in my memory was that she told the Protestant students were more superior in her Bible knowledge, so she was always comparing us to them (she particularly liked June)...

the point is, she's nutts.

dida, sorry that you felt so bad because of the angel thing. hope we didn't screw you up too much. :)


nemesis-on-fire said...

:D enough said. so we all agreed. angels was alrite lah. i was just disappointed with some of the people in it. but of course there are the nice as well.

am i screwed up? am i? am i? :p ok, don't answer!!