Tuesday, November 06, 2007

online food diary?

it is only called failure when you learnt nothing from it.


blog's coloured again. i wonder where all my old blogpics are. :)

planning to go on a proper diet and exercise regime. gonna hit 30 before i know it, which also means metabolism is gonna be slowing down. would no longer be able to pull off the 2 Whopper Burger King Sets in one sitting anymore. :P yeah, that's still legend among those who know in the Kuching crowd. There were witnesses. :P

sooo.... should i blog about my eating habits then? O.o but but.... paisehhhhh worrrr..... *shy* that's like letting the whole world know i'm a GLUTTON. :P i mean, they're gonna find out when they do... but... i need not Announce it, yes? Yes?

i DID try it once. yerdeh was shocked at the amount i was able to consume. @.@

sighs. i'll sleep on it.


Anonymous said...

eh dude, do one better...do a pictorial of what you eat!! then even more shocking! haha! I'm doing it for my weekends of sin and gluttony! come, come we both do pictorials and compare! :D British gluttony vs KL gluttony! MUAHAHA

nemesis-on-fire said...

LOL!!! trust a Malaysian to say that. i'd do that, but i need a camera for that!