Friday, November 10, 2006

Doggie pics!

Doggie pics!

The long overdue pics :)

The Pups



Afro annoying China :D

Afro annoying Brazil :D

Africa and Brazil :D

No photo of Africa (Afro) on its own cos it was too busy a) eating b) disturbing the other pups :P Heh heh...


Sharon said...

i miss brazil!!

nemesis-on-fire said...

:D me too!!! let's go visit again. i like watching the fat lil blob disturb the other puppies too :D so cute!

Anonymous said...

are they all urs???

nemesis-on-fire said...

eh!! no lah! woman i stay in an apartment, k? :P no pets allowed. they belong to a friend

Anonymous said...

eh, aileen has 2 alaskian huskies in her apartment ok???? and those things are friggin GINORMOUS YA?!

nemesis-on-fire said...

:D i is poor woman, wei. if i get fined, i gotta sell my arse at chowkit for a week :P oohhh i love huskies. damn, i hate her already :D