Tuesday, March 20, 2007

opposite attraction

opposite attraction

lettrespourmoi wrote about this. She wonders if opposites do attract, and if the attraction lasts long enough to work.

My take?

I think:

Opposites DO attract, but like must marry like or there shall be no happiness.

Reason being:

You need enough differences so you don't get bored with each other after awhile. The appeal of barnacle-clinging only lasts SO long.

Each needs to develop interests apart and independent of each other to add more value into the relationship and to keep the spark alive.

Each partner would need to learn from each other. And why not? We learn new things everyday. Who better to learn from than someone you cherish and care about? Than the person you wake up with every morning, and go to bed with each night?

If both partners do everything together all the time, you'd learn nothing new from each other. And you'd get terribly bored.

The human attention span, unlike diamonds, isn't forever.

That's when you start seeking entertainment outside.

But you need enough similarities at core level to understand where the other is coming from, and to connect with each other.

Too different, and you won't know what the other is talking about.

Just look at the animal kingdom, and you won't find a horse mating with a rabbit. Although both are, by human definition, associated with sex. 'Hung like a horse, fuck like rabbits. '

If you live in two different dimensions, and share nothing in common, apart from, maybe, good looks, or not-so-good looks, how are you going to connect with each other on an emotional level? I'm not talking about the obvious.

Sex is sex, emotional connection is another thing altogether. The sex will fade, and what's there left after that's gone?

What I think is that one has to strike a healthy balance between the two. After all, moderation is always the key.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, i've tagged u for some dumb questionnaire. but on the bright side it's a little quirkier than the usual suspects.

hope to hear from u soon!