Wednesday, October 10, 2007

“I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…” the colourblind one tagged me :(

Damn, Frostie! I buy fuchsia t-shirt n tell u it's aquamarine, then u know! :P:P:P

Repeat subject header “I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…”
Copy + paste these rules in your entry
Complete these 15 totally useless statements & questions
Mention who you were tagged by, followed by 8 people who you’ll be tagging

Failing to do so and you’ll be cursed eternally with a 3-holed nose and a low-cost flat

I kena tagged by the colourblind one~Frostie

1. If I was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like? birthday suit. men don't like wearing clothes, rite? :P
2. At 10am this morning, I was… … :D rushing for work after doing a cowgirl.
3. At 10pm tonight, I will be… … probably be hanging out with the psycho getting grilled, receiving lewd comments/remarks. and hearing her bitch. and whine. abt the clown she wants to shoot. either at brickfields, bangsar, or section 17. maybe the curve. who knows?
4. Who should be the next Malaysian Prime Minister? Me :P
5. If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would… … hmm... i shall take a leaf out of Clinton's book and ask: Define sex?
6. If I was a piece of a car, I would be the… …the steering wheel. i like being caressed.
7. If I was told one day that I would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate OR 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up? chocs, i guess. don't eat much of it anyway. unless i'm craving. which is occasionally when i'm ovulating :P ovaries screaming for something, obviously.
8. Singapore is good for… ... Cabinet Sauvignon. aka NEWater. :P ask bren. hahaha!
9. If I could only say 3 words before I die, what would those last words be? now than later.
10. Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with? Jamie Oliver. he's entertaining n he can cook up a storm :P
11. Die by drowning or by fire? fire. :P i go out in a 'blaze of glory'. literally! always wondered what it'd feel like to combust.
12. What one single thing would you buy with your last RM9.95? however much i can get to eat with that amount. yep. food tops my list. i need sustenance every 4 hours :P FEED ME!!!
13. If I opened a night club, what would I call it? Ass-Ump-Tion.
14. Don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”? my ass
15. I think my ass is… …Great, thanx :P custom-made for child-bearing. all that selective process from ancient China, y'know ;)

I’m tagging:

Psychosis Personified. Cos it's high time u started blogging after all that olfactosynthesis crap, bitch. :P
Yerdeh. Take ur mind off chronic kidney diseases :P
Sarah. aka. Chick.: oh u wanna.... :D med school or no.
Bernard. :P where's that story? this is writing too!!! :)
PinkRiverDolphin: Chocolatecupcake! when u gonna come visit me with Rusty? Blog, dammit!
Aichiban: :P coz now u no more in india, u very free... kekeke...
Manda: :P do something other than walk around in Times Square. or wherever u go now.
Angry Medic: HAHAHA! :) How's things over there?

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