Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Other Side of the Coin

He worked odd hours.

So when I couldn't reach him, I can do crazy things like call.. and call... and call... until I reach him... as I didn't know he sometimes fell asleep with his phone not close by, once there was 56 missed calls in an hour.

Another time it was 30+ missed calls over 3 hours... with a dozen sms-es in between.

Yeah, I'm psychotic like that. And paranoid. And jealous.

I get annoyed when he goes out for one-on-one dinners for hours with females, especially certain ones. Because I've never met them.. and I just have my suspicions. Yeah, I didn't trust him much either.

And the day I found my alter-ego messaged by my boyfriend, I walked in the rain and roamed around for hours. And I mentally blacked out for awhile. It terrified him. Wracked him with guilt.

I can be very psychotic. And twisted.

Perhaps these, my flaws... and his flaws ended our relationship.

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